Porsche Cars North America, importer and distributor of Porsche sports cars in the United States, Tuesday, June 6th 2000, announced sales and stock figures for the month of May, 2000. Retail sales for the month totaled 2166 cars, a decrease of 9 percent over May 1999. Year-to-date sales, however, are up by 3 percent over 1999. The slight decrease reflects an attempt to stabilize vehicle inventory to meet anticipated demand in future months. Demand continues to be strong for all models.
Model Month to Date Year to Date Dealer Stock
Current Prior Current Prior Current
Year Year Year Year Year
Boxster 584 1052 2828 4617 145
Boxster Tip 221 322 878 1435 29
Boxster S 526 0 2280 0 82
Boxster S Tip 104 0 504 0 21
ALL BOXSTER 1435 1374 6490 6052 277
All 1998 Carrera 0 1 2 9 0
Carrera Coupe 177 261 919 953 62
Carrera Coupe
Tip S 51 65 303 286 9
Carrera Cabriolet 272 308 1343 1077 54
Carrera Cabriolet
Tip S 122 127 548 454 14
Carrera 4 Coupe 37 107 244 537 8
Carrera 4 Coupe
Tip 6 19 46 95 1
Carrera 4
Cabriolet 43 84 280 446 3
Carrera 4
Cabriolet Tip 23 22 107 96 0
All CARRERA 731 994 3792 3953 151
GRAND TOTALS 2166 2368 10282 10005 428