Luca Parasacco has been appointed as the new head of Maserati Europe, taking up the role on 20 May.

The appointment is one of several new positions within Maserati Commercial, “aimed at fully grasping and covering the brand’s objectives and strengthening and elevating the team headed by global chief commercial officer Luca Delfino, appointed in January 2024,” according to a statement.

Parasacco has worked for the group since 1997. In his last role as head of Global Distrigo, he ran the consolidated distribution network which supplies original spare parts for 11 brands which form part of the multinational holding company.

He has previoulsy been head of the automaker’s own dealer network with overall responsibility for results and development of Motorvillage – parent FCA’s retail organisation – and commercial director of the Mopar Business Centres, the brand for all Stellantis ‘original’ spare parts and ‘factory approved’ accessories.

“He has dedicated himself to the coordination of overall aftersales activities, paying specific attention to commercial profits, the development of new business areas and the implementation of processes to increase customer loyalty,” Maserati added.

Another previous role, in Spain and Portugal, focused on development and implementation of sales and marketing strategies in export markets.

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Parasacco has also held various roles within the European region, ranging from development manager to dealership sales manager, focused on planning the distribution network development strategy of all FCA (now Stellantis) brands and improving dealer performance while contributing to convergence plans between group brands and the design of new networks.

Maserati CEO Davide Grasso said: “This new addition to the leadership team will help to improve our commercial performance, as expected.”