Tata Motors has announced that it has opened Tata Nano sales in the Indian states of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
The move comes amid reports that limited distribution, higher than expected price and bad publicity over some models catching fire, have combined to hold sales back. The car has also experienced delays in readying production.
Customers will be able to take a closer look at, and test drive, the Tata Nano across all Tata Motors dealerships and special Nano access points.
Tata Motors also says it has tied up with 26 banks to offer customers loans for purchasing at attractive rates of interest. It adds that ‘more arrangements of this kind will be forthcoming’.
The company also says that its new 250,000 cars/year plant at Sanand (Gujarat) is fully operational. Production at the plant is being speedily ramped up, for instant delivery, Tata says.
Tata Nano sales have already begun in Kerala (since August 2010), and in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal (since October 2010).