According to The Hindu newspaper, India’s largest car manufacturer Maruti Udyog (Suzuki) is set to launch a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) version of one of its most popular models, the Wagon R,in March.

The report said that Maruti is likely to market it with the catchphrase: “A four-wheeler that runs at a scooter’s cost… .”
To store the LPG cylinder, Maruti has compromised on the luggage storage area. “We have designed a circular cylinder and placed it in the slot meant for the spare tyre, which in turn has been fitted into the luggage unit by minimising wastage of space. Apart from this, there are no other major changes,” an unnamed senior Maruti official told the Hundu.

Asserting that high petrol prices would push up sales of the new LPG vehicles, the official claimed that it was the first time an LPG system based on multi-point fuel injection (MPFI) technology was being introduced in the country. “We have the Maruti Omni LPG but that has a carburetted engine. Wagon R LPG model will be a passenger car fully certified for safety and quality.”