Hyundai Motor and autonomous driving software developer Plus have unveiled the claimed first Level 4 autonomous Class 8 hydrogen fuel cell electric truck in the US at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo in Las Vegas.

The Xcient truck is undergoing initial autonomous driving assessments in the US making it the claimed first Level 4 self-driving test on a Class 8 fuel cell electric truck to take place in the market.

“The collaboration seeks to show that autonomous hydrogen fuel cell trucks can help make trucking safer, more efficient, and more sustainable,” a statement said.
First introduced in 2020, the Xcient fuel cell truck has conducted commercial operations in eight countries, “establishing a successful track record of real world applications and technological reliability”.

At last year’s ACT Expo, Hyundai introduced its Xcient Fuel Cell tractor, a commercialised Class 8 6×4 fuel cell electric model, powered by two 90kW hydrogen fuel cell systems and a 350kW e-motor, providing a driving range of 450 miles per charge fully loaded.

Plus’s SuperDrive products is being deployed across the US, Europe, and Australia and uses a combination of sensors, including LiDAR, radar and cameras, to provide surround perception, planning, prediction and self driving capability.

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