A year after the vehicle was launched, Hitachi Automotive Systems said its advanced driver assistance ECU and high definition map position unit capable of automatic map updates via OTA was being fitted in Nissan Motor's Skyline.

The ADAS ECU and map position unit enable advanced driver assistance functions, such as overtaking assistance and navigated driving assistance on highways. The ECU provides integrated vehicle control based on expansive information on the surrounding environment acquired through camera sensors. The high-definition map position unit provides data to the ECU. Such data includes the shape of roads from several hundred metres to several kilometres ahead.

The ADAS ECU is configured with two CPUs – one for recognition processing and one for vehicle control – enabling both safety and high-speed computing performance. The map position unit stores HD digitalised 3D map data which covers Japan's highway network claimed accurate to 1cm. The unit provides vehicle surrounding map information based on a highly-accurately calculated vehicle position and recommended route information to the target destination on the vehicle lane level to the ADAS ECU, supporting integrated vehicle control. Through OTA, HD maps are always automatically updated.

This technology supports Nissan's ProPilot 2.0 driver assistance system which engages with the navigation system and allows 'hands off' driving while cruising in a single lane on highways on a pre-defined route.