Hyundai Mobis launches V2X technology modules

Connectivity modules will enable more V2X applications

Luke Martin August 29 2023

Hyundai Mobis and connected vehicles technology provider Autotalks are set to launch their latest collaboration in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology, Hyundai Mobis’ MTCU (Multi-functional Telematics Control Unit) connectivity modules.

V2X technology enables vehicles to use on-board communication tools to provide information to drivers including traffic updates, changing road conditions, potential road hazards and more.

Mobis’ MTCU Gen1 supports Day-1 V2X services in all geographies and is powered by Autotalks’ V2X chipset. Day-1 applications alert drivers in dangerous, non-line-of-sight situations.

It also features additional applications such as alerts about road hazards.

Mobis has chosen Autotalks’ 3rd generation chipset for its new connectivity module technology, MTCU Gen2. The technology will allow manufacturers to provide advanced safety applications based on V2X communication.

The MTCU Gen2 module will enable Day-1 and Day-2 V2X applications. Mobis said this is “achieved through dual-channel operation, and the integration of Functional Safety-grade implementation, enabling car actuation based on V2X data”.

The module is expected to be available in 2024.

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