Malaysian vehicle assembler and distributor Tan Chong Motor Holdings continued to strengthen its operations in south east Asia with the announcement it had signed a contract to distribute vehicles for China’s GAC Motor in Vietnam.

In a filing with the Malaysian stock exchange, Bursa Malaysia, Tan Chong said subsidiary TC Services Vietnam had been appointed by GAC Motor International to import, distribute and sell its vehicles and spare parts and provide aftermarket services.

Tan Chong also said it would be able to appoint independent dealers and aftermarket service providers as part of the three year contract it signed with the Chinese state owned automaker.

Tan Chong has built on its original Nissan distribution business in Malaysia to establish a distribution and contract assembly network covering most of south east Asia including Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Taiwan.

The company has diversified its client base to include the Subaru, UD Trucks, Foton, King Long and JMC brands.

In Vietnam it already assembles and distributes vehicles for Nissan and Chinese bus maker King Long.

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