Rivian Automotive had three patents in big data during Q1 2024. Rivian Automotive Inc has filed patents for systems and methods for vehicle charging, controlling activation of autonomous navigation functions, and monitoring electric vehicle component performance using tonal analysis. These patents aim to improve efficiency, safety, and maintenance of electric vehicles through innovative technologies such as cryptographic techniques for charging, machine learning for autonomous navigation, and audio analysis for component monitoring. GlobalData’s report on Rivian Automotive gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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Rivian Automotive had no grants in big data as a theme in Q1 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Vehicle charging system (Patent ID: US20240089245A1)

The patent filed by Rivian Automotive Inc. discloses systems and methods for vehicle charging that involve a charging system with an electrical connector to convey power to a vehicle, a trusted platform module to store a certificate via cryptographic techniques, and processors to retrieve the certificate, generate request messages, and establish communication connections with computing systems. The system ensures authentication of the certificate and mapping to the identifier of the charging system before transmitting power data to the vehicle. Additionally, the system can receive diagnostic data and communicate with computing systems using various protocols.

The claims of the patent detail the specific functionalities of the charging system, such as authorizing power conveyance to the vehicle, terminating power conveyance or communication connections if the certificate is not verified, and implementing different communication protocols. The system also includes hardware processors to verify certificates, establish communication connections, and perform commands received from client devices. Furthermore, the method outlined in the patent involves storing certificates, generating request messages, verifying certificates with mapping data, and establishing communication connections with computing systems, ensuring secure and authenticated power transmission to vehicles.

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GlobalData Patent Analytics tracks bibliographic data, legal events data, point in time patent ownerships, and backward and forward citations from global patenting offices. Textual analysis and official patent classifications are used to group patents into key thematic areas and link them to specific companies across the world’s largest industries.