Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin had one patents in advanced materials during Q1 2024. The patent filed by Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin in Q1 2024 relates to a coated substrate with a polyester coating on a solvent-sensitive substrate. The coating is made of a polyester copolymer of a polyol and a polyacid. The method for forming this coated substrate involves spraying solvated polyester material onto the substrate and drying it to form the polyester coating. GlobalData’s report on Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin had no grants in advanced materials as a theme in Q1 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Coated substrate and method for forming coated substrate (Patent ID: US20240100222A1)

The patent filed by the Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin discloses a coated substrate comprising a solvent-sensitive substrate with a polyester coating made of a polyester copolymer of a polyol and a polyacid. The method for forming this coated substrate involves spraying solvated polyester material onto the substrate from a spray nozzle and drying it to form the polyester coating. The substrate can be various materials like polyurethanes, rubbers, polyethylenes, polycarbonates, and more, and the coating can include therapeutic agents or additives like proteins, peptides, nanoparticles, and more.

The claims of the patent detail various aspects of the coated substrate, including different types of solvent-sensitive substrates like textiles, electrospun mats, and devices, as well as the inclusion of therapeutic agents and additives in the polyester coating. The method for forming the coated substrate involves specific parameters such as the distance between the spray nozzle and substrate, flow rate of the solvated polyester material, number of passes during spraying, and the solvent used for solvation. The patent also specifies different types of polyester copolymers that can be used in the coating, including poly(glycerol sebacate)s, poly(glycerol adipate)s, poly(pentane-diol succinate)s, and more, along with the use of specific diisocyanates in forming polyester urethanes.

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