Toyota Motor had three patents in edge computing during Q1 2024. Toyota Motor Corp has developed an edge device that provides HD maps to vehicles based on factors such as task type and wireless channel status. Additionally, the device can analyze the head pose of an occupant and the vehicle’s location to suggest potential routes different from the original route, transmitting corresponding HD map information to the vehicle. GlobalData’s report on Toyota Motor gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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Toyota Motor grant share with edge computing as a theme is 33% in Q1 2024. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Recent Patents

Application: Methods and systems for distributing high definition map using edge device (Patent ID: US20240068838A1)

The patent filed by Toyota Motor Corp. describes an edge device that provides an HD map to a vehicle. The edge device includes a controller programmed to receive an HD map request with a task type from the vehicle, assess the wireless channel status between the vehicle and the edge device, select an HD map version from multiple versions based on the channel status and task type, and send the chosen HD map version to the vehicle. The system is designed to cater to various tasks such as path planning, real-time path monitoring, safety guard, and lane changing, ensuring the vehicle receives the most relevant and up-to-date information for autonomous driving.

The edge device's controller can determine the needed information based on the task type, which includes details like departure and destination locations, road maps, traffic conditions, accident locations, weather forecasts, and surrounding pedestrian and vehicle locations. The HD map version provided to the vehicle may consist of different layers like highly dynamic, transient dynamic, transient static, and permanent static layers, depending on the specific requirements of the task. Additionally, the system can adapt to different deadlines for HD map delivery, considering factors like wireless channel status, task type, and deadline information to ensure timely and accurate transmission of the HD map version to the vehicle for autonomous driving applications.

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